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SOAL KIMIA SMA X Semester 2 (English Language)

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1.      The following elements are organic compounds, except….
         a.   urea                                                  d.   plastic
         b.   glucose                                             e.   sulfuric acid
         c.   acetic acid

2.      Pay attention to the compounds below! The hydrocarbon compounds are….
         a.   C2H6 and C12H22O11                         d.   CO2 and H2O
         b.   CH4 and C2H4                                  e.   CH4 and CO2
         c.   C2H4 and C6H12O6

3.      The following compounds are hydrocarbon compounds, except….
         a.   LPG                                                 d.   bitumen
         b.   gasoline                                            e.   alcohol
         c.   kerosene

4.      Pay attention to the following compounds!
         (1)  C4H8
         (2)  C5H12
         (3)  C6H12
         (4)  C4H10
         (5)  C5H8
         The compounds which are included in one homologous series are…
         a.   (1) and (2)                                        d.   (1) and (3)
         b.   (2) and (3)                                        e.   (2) and (5)
         c.   (3) and (4)

5.      Pay attention to this homologous series: C2H6, C3H8, C4H10. The next series is….
         a.   C4H12                                                d.   C5H12
         b.   C5H8                                                 e.   C6H12
         c.   C5H10

6.      There are some series of a homologous series: C4H4, C5H6, C6H8, and C7H10.  The general formula of its homologous series is….
         a.   CnHn                                                 d.   CnHn+3
         b.   CnHn+1                                              e.   CnH2n-4
         c.   CnHn+2

7.      Look at the following compounds!
         CH3 -- CH2-- CH --- CH2 -- CH2 -- C (CH3)3
         The numbers of primary, secondary, and tertiary carbon atoms are….
         a.   4, 3, 2                                               d.   5, 3, 1
         b.   5, 3, 2                                               e.   5, 4, 2
         c.   5, 4, 1

8.      The name of the following compound is….
         CH3 -- CH2 -- CH -- CH -- CH -- CH2 -- CH3
                                 ï         ï          ï
                   H3C --CH     CH3    CH2
                                ï                     ï
                              CH3                  CH3

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